Fenris ~ Taking Myself for a Walk

Fenris ~ Taking Myself for a Walk

Mommy I am tired of sitting in the butterfly chair. I am going to take myself for a walk and show our friends some of our flowers.

This is the fox glove. It lives in the flowerbed in front of our house.

These are some of the other flowers that share the flowerbed with the foxglove.

Mommy really likes this flowerbed and thinks Daddy was a gem for building it for her.

We are back in the butterfly garden now. This is one of my favourite places to sit.

Socks has been missing his girlfriend MoMo, so he asked Mommy to buy this Bottlebrush for him. It is a native of Australia just like MoMo. Now when she comes to visit she will have something to remind her of home. Although our Mommy seems to be allergic to it. She broke out in a rash after planting it. That's OK, Mommy will just be careful when she weeds around it from now on. We likes it lots so we are planning to keep it. Mommy is even going to try to get some seeds and grow some in the greenhouse.

This is a wildflower. We do not know it's name but we thought it was pretty. Ok Mom, I am ready for supper now ....................
Bye everyone. ~Fenris

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