Thursday in the Garden with Artemisia & Scylla

Thursday in the Garden with Artemisia & Scylla

Mommy stop playing with Fenris and come help me garden.

I likes to help with the plants by the house.

This is a wildflower Mommy likes. It has little blue blooms. Mommy dug it up and put it in a pot, so Daddy wouldn't run over it with the lawn mower.

This is Mommy's purple heart, it has pretty pink blooms.

Here is Scylla, she will take you to see the plants in the Butterfly Garden. I don't venture that far yet.

Hi everybody. This flower grows on the other side of the pond. Mommy really likes it she thinks it is Carolina Jasmine.

Daddy is trying to cultivate these wild violets. They are down at the Butterfly Garden and they look really pretty this spring.

More wildflowers, I don't know what these are.

OK, we better go see what the Powder Puff is up too.

Artemisia are you chasing a bug?

Why yes Scylla I am, it is very entertaining.

Whatever, I'll be inside napping if you need me.

Silly Mommy she forgot to remind us today was Earth Day. Thank you to our friends for reminding us, we can't count on our Mommy for anything.  Happy Earth Day Everyone!

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