Fenris Friday ~ The Winner is................

Fenris Friday ~ The Winner is................

I wish I could give a voucher to all my pals, but Mommy says we has to pick just one.  So we went to Random.org and used their List Organizer. We listed all the names. If you left a link to Twitter or Facebook you got an extra entry for that so we put (Name Comment/ Name Twitter/Name Facebook). It assigned each name a number. So then we used the Random Number Generator to pick a number. The winner is......................................

Sagira of Sagira's Agility Adventures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please send us your contact info so we can pass it on to Eukanuba, and you can start enjoying a bag of their very tasty dog food.

- Dr. Seuss Day
Socks RocksSocks can pick locksGo on walksSet your clocksEnjoys talksand stalksdocks and likes his water on the ROCKS! Tuiren Hello to you, My nickname is Tui. I went to a fancy do, with Roo. A lot of other girls came too. Soon I will be two. what's...

- Facebook Stole Our Prize
 We are very sads and MAD AT FACEBOOK, we will let our Mommy explain. On Wednesday April 18th I received these two messages that FACEBOOK had arbitrarily stuck in an OTHER folder I didn't even know about. And I still have no Clue what the purpose...

- Fenris Week 4 ~ Eukanuba's 28 Day Challenge And Giveaway
I has some exciting NEWS  now that I've completed the Eukanuba 28-Day Challenge, I'm giving my pals an opportunity to try any formula of Eukanuba food for free! I am giving away one voucher for one FREE bag of any Eukanuba Dog Food up to...

- Thanksgiving Giveaway
We are giving away your choice of  a case of hand warmers or foot warmers, along with other sample warmers products. Just leave a comment telling us what you are thankful for and then we will use Random.org to choose a winner.   The winner...

- And The Winner Is ..............
Everyone thank you for entering our contest. To choose a winner we went to Random.Org and had the Mom type all the entries into the list randomizer. Then after the entries were randomized and assigned numbers, we asked Eldest Boy Bean to choose a number...

