Fenris Friday #Petbox #BullyStick

Fenris Friday #Petbox #BullyStick

If you remember we got this Petbox awhile back.

Tuiren got the  Fresh Breath + Plus Dental Treat. (boy does that girl have bad breath).

And I got the Bully Stick, I loved it even though it was a challenge to eat.

I showed that Bully Stick who was box.

First I slobbered on it for awhile to soften it up.

Then I chewed............

and chewed..........................

and chewed some more.

Did a little paw work to show it who was boss.

Gave it a growl or two.

And chewed some more.

It's very chewy.

But never fear Fenris is here to eat Bully Sticks.

It may take awhile.

Maybe longer then I thought. ........................................

Now we are getting somewhere.

Another chomp.

It's getting smaller.

It's almost gone.

Just this tiny piece left.

It sure is tasty.

Good to the last bite.

There it's GONE, can I have another one? ~Fenris eating Bully Sticks for ATCAD
An InLinkz Link-up

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- Fenris Friday
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