What's in the Box Wednesday with Fenris

What's in the Box Wednesday with Fenris

Scylla tried to get in the box but she couldn't, it has my name on it.

That means only I can open it.

I can't wait.

It was packed with love and just look at all the loot that was inside.

No wonder Scylla was trying to get in it, she smelled FOODS.

This is a neat water bowl. Mommy says if she ever takes us on hikes with her and Daddy this would come in handy. It folds up real small so Mommy could stick it in a pocket, but you can open it up and it holds water/food.  She has been meaning to get us one, so we were really happy it was included.

A Bully Stick, I have claimed it for my own.

A colorful felt toy, I wants it too, although I will consider sharing it with Tui if she shows any interest in it. I will tell you about the other stuffs in another post, but it was all really nice and we just LOVED getting a Pet Box. We are letting Scylla have the box to sit in, so she got something too and she says she will share box sitting time with Socks. ~Fenris, reporting for ATCAD

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