Fenris Friday

Fenris Friday

 As most of you know my Mommy ran off and left me for 5 whole days, it was awful.

 Youngest Boy Bean was sick and guess who got blamed.

 That's right ME!!!!!! He says I was suppose to scare the nasty cold germs away. And wants to know what kinda guard dog lets the nasty cold attack his boy.

 I feel like such a failure.

Mommy says he is picking at me and he isn't serious, she thought it was funny, HUMANS!!!! I sure am happy my Mommy is home, but she came back with a cold so we might not to get to visit our friends as much as usual. She was feeling some better last night so she helped me fix this post. I sure hope you enjoyed it.~Fenris reporting for ATCAD

Pet Parade Blog Hop

- Scylla Sunday
 Sorry we haven't been posting on a regular basis. Mommy isn't feeling well and she is super busy so we aren't able to post or comment as much as usual. We will try to do better in the New Year. She is OK, so don't worry just not...

- Tuiren Tuesday
 Mommy says this white stuff ISN'T snow. She called it sleet. I don't mind it on the ground but I certainly didn't like it falling out of the sky last Tuesday. Thank paws the grocery store was open, so Mommy could get us some foods. The...

- Fenris Friday
 Mom has had a nasty cold so we haven't been going on our usual walks. Sometimes the Daddy takes me for a walk, but he caught Mommy's cold.  It has turned cool & windy here. The smoke from people's fireplaces makes it hard for...

- Birds
Hummingbirds are our favourite bird. Two hummingbirds hang out in the backyard with Fenris. They are very silly they fight over the bird-feeder. Mommy says they have gone South for the winter. We thoughts we lived in The South. PhotoHunt Socks...

- Charybdis
I am home!!!! My tail looks really funny (some of my hair is missing) and I don't feel very good. I have been laying in Mommy's lap sleeping since I got home. I want to play but I don't feel like it. I picked up my ball and Mousie but I am...

