Tuiren Tuesday

Tuiren Tuesday

 Mommy says this white stuff ISN'T snow. She called it sleet. I don't mind it on the ground but I certainly didn't like it falling out of the sky last Tuesday.

Thank paws the grocery store was open, so Mommy could get us some foods. The library and bank closed so we were unable to get any new books to read during the cold snap. Mommy wouldn't come out and play either. She eventually ventured out after most of the sleet had melted, she mumbled something about slipping and breaking her neck, so stayed on the porch until it was melted. I guess it was a possibility (BOL) Fenris slid down when youngest boy bean took us for a walk.

I am going to visit Walter today @ Bird Brains & Dog Tales, so be sure to visit his blog to see what we are up to.  ~Tuiren reporting for ATCAD

- Tuiren Tuesday
I has a hot date with Walter. Mommy made a pretty bow for me to wear on my collar. She fixed it just so, and turned around to get the camera, and.................................. well I decided to eat the ribbon. I was really fast and got the bow untied...

- Queen Of Hearts Dance
Tuiren and I (Scylla) are waiting for our dates. I am going with my long time boyfriend Brian (from Brian's Home) and Tuiren is being escorted by her new friend Walter (from Bird Brains & Dog Tales) Mommy wanted to get a picture of us girls together....

- Fenris Friday
 I kinda liked the white stuff that fell from the sky. Mommy and Tuiren thought I was a very silly boy playing in it. I thought of my pals Khyra, and The OP Pack, I can see why they like it. Although Mommy kept insisting that this isn't SNOW....

- Thursday In The Garden
 Mommy took these photos last week when we had sleet on the ground. As you can see the Shasta Daisy's are very hardy.  Poor birds there water is frozen.  The Hummingbird Cottage was blanketed in sleet.  If you look very closely...

- Fenris Here
I am feeling much better this morning. That's the good news!!!!! The bad news is staying inside is a drag, at least I don't have to stay in the crate 100% of the time. The vet said I can be out inside (where I can't run) but can walk around....

