Fenris Friday

Fenris Friday

 I has a sad, my sister Scylla got hurted. I was keeping an eye on her and one minute she was laying in the chaise lounge next to Mommy and the next minute she was screaming in pain.

 Mommy says it isn't my fault, but I am suppose to protect my flock and I failed. Please purr and cross paws that her tail heals. She was very lucky even though the blood vessels and nerves were exposed they were still intact. If all goes well she will get to keep her tail, but we has to watch for infections and stuffs, so far everything is looking good. ~Fenris reporting for ATCAD

- Winsome Wednesday
 We have learnt a new word. Winsome means attractive or appealing in appearance or character, I thinks this applies to both me and Chimera.  I am committed to being a GREAT big sister.  Chimera is an adorable LITTLE sister.  I likes...

- Brave Baby
Most of you know I hurted my tail and had to go to the vet. While I was there I was very brave. I was so brave they gave me a Certificate of Bravery. I also made a new friend, purple cat kept me company while I recovered. My tail is healing nicely and...

- A Tail Of Woe
Many of you asked what happened to my tail, so I thoughts I would tell you my tale of woe. Tuesday evening I was sitting on the chaise lounge by Mommy when all of a sudden I got in POUNCE mode, Mommy thought I had seen a lizard or something I leaped from...

- Mancat Monday
When Mommy takes me outside I hides from her. Behind the septic system is a good hiding place. Daddy built this nice cedar planter to cover the pump up. The Jungle Gym isn't really a good hiding spot but I likes to sit up here because I can see far...

- Tsarina Tuesday ~artemisia
 I gets along with all my siblings. Socks and I get along with Fenris, Scylla well she acts loony around him, but I think she is beginning to catch on to dog management 101.  I gets along so well with Fenris I kiss him on the mouth sometimes....

