Winsome Wednesday

Winsome Wednesday

 We have learnt a new word. Winsome means attractive or appealing in appearance or character, I thinks this applies to both me and Chimera.

 I am committed to being a GREAT big sister.

 Chimera is an adorable LITTLE sister.

 I likes to watch her.

 She likes to watch me too.

 We are going to have so much fun together when she gets a little bigger.

I wonder if my tail will always be the longest. Oh, Waffles, you may have the longest mancat tail, but I am pretty sure I HAS THE LONGEST TAIL.  ~Yin & Chimera reporting for ATCAD

- Fenris Friday
 I actually am getting to do a post. I went introduced myself to Chimera. She is very friendly, we touched noses and then she tried to play with my tail. Yang and Youngest Boy were being silly. Yang likes to climb all over him. ~Fenris, reporting...

- Tiny Tuesday With Chimera And Yin
 Tuiren said I could do the Tuesday post. I likes to play in Mommy's house shoes.  They are nice and comfy.  I am tiny, Yin is not tiny. But Mommy says once upon a time she was as tiny as me.  I find that hard to believe.  She...

- Mancat Monday With Guest Yin And Chimera #catladybox
 Yin and I enjoy sleeping together.  I also likes to sleep in boxes. Who cares if they say Cat Lady, they are comfortable. You can get your very own Cat Lady Box here.  It will have some junk lovely gifts for your human woman in it but...

- Scylla Sunday
 I have been playing with Yin and Yang, boy was Daddy wrong about me not wanting other cats. I love having kittens. Guess what Santa brought me for Christmas. He brought me another kitten. She looks like a tee tiny version of ME. The humans named...

- Fenris Friday
 I has a sad, my sister Scylla got hurted. I was keeping an eye on her and one minute she was laying in the chaise lounge next to Mommy and the next minute she was screaming in pain.  Mommy says it isn't my fault, but I am suppose to protect...

