Fenris Friday

Fenris Friday

 I get to show off our flowers today.

 They sure look pretty, I don't understand why Mommy puts the prettiest ones in the front yard. They should be in back with me and Tuiren.

 Now I has to teach this stick some manners. It is just laying in wait to trip Mommy. I can't have that.

The front flower bed is looking good. We are sad cause we don't think the Coral Bean is going to come back.

Fenris reporting for ATCAD

- Thursday In The Garden
This bed is full and looks really nice. Mommy will have to concentrate on filling the other beds next year assuming all the flowers she planted this year come back. The Mexican Sage looks nice with the Shasta Daisy's. This bed needs more flowers in...

- Outside With Fenris & Tuiren
Mommy has been weeding the flowerbeds at the Hummingbird Cottage, they are looking pretty good. The Johnny Jump Ups always make us smile, they are such cheerful plants. The violets are pretty little things. One of the nice things about the Johnny Jump...

- Tuiren Tuesday
 We took these pictures February 8th. Hard to believe it was nice and warm then. Why some days it was in the 70s.  Mommy's Forsythia thought it was Spring and started blooming.  Me and Fenris had a ball running around supervising Mommy...

- Mancat Monday
When Mommy takes me outside I hides from her. Behind the septic system is a good hiding place. Daddy built this nice cedar planter to cover the pump up. The Jungle Gym isn't really a good hiding spot but I likes to sit up here because I can see far...

- Flowers On Friday With Scylla & Fenris
This is a wild grass that grows in our yard it has pretty blue flowers. We have left several large clumps of it when we cut grass because it is so pretty. This is Purple Heart. We planted it in the front flower bed. Daddy made this flower bed for us....

