Flowers on Friday with Scylla & Fenris

Flowers on Friday with Scylla & Fenris

This is a wild grass that grows in our yard it has pretty blue flowers. We have left several large clumps of it when we cut grass because it is so pretty.

This is Purple Heart. We planted it in the front flower bed.

Daddy made this flower bed for us. He is rocking it up to makes it pretty, but we are already putting flowers in there.

This pretty little Daisy is growing in our greenhouse. We thinks the wall behind it created an interesting effect in the picture.

This is a wild vine that Mommy calls a Sweet Pea. It has pretty blooms but it it trying to strangle our azaleas so we has to rip it up.

You saw this flower bed the other day. We likes this bed a lot. There was a woodpecker in the bird feeder today.

Here is a close up of the Cypress Vine, we was happy to discover that it is a mixture of colors. We has the red, pink and white.

Fenris helped Mommy carry the Buttercup Ranunculo (Turnera ulmifolia) to the front flower bed. We loves it's pretty yellow blooms.

Fenris is testing the dirt to make sure it has enough fertilizer in it.

Personally I was shocked to discover that Mommy let Fenris in MY GREENHOUSE. Do you think Fenris sees me? I am practicing being invisible.

Just in case he spots me, I will practice being invisible on a shelf.

Not to worry Scylla, gardening is hard work. I am ready for a nap.

- Thursday In The Garden With Artemisia & Scylla
Mommy stop playing with Fenris and come help me garden. I likes to help with the plants by the house. This is a wildflower Mommy likes. It has little blue blooms. Mommy dug it up and put it in a pot, so Daddy wouldn't run over it with the lawn mower....

- Thursday In The Garden With Scylla
Being a gardening cat is hard work. There is grass to cut and flowerbeds to weed. The beans can't do it all by themselves so we has to lend a paw. I am keeping the tractor seat warm for Daddy. Now for the best part looking at flowers. I loves the...

- Flowers On Friday
This is the front flowerbed, it is a riot of pink Angel Trumpets, red Cuphea (KYOO-fee-uh) and yellow Buttercups. Doesn't the Angel Trumpet look huge in this picture? Our Cypress Vine, we are kinda disappointed we hoped it would climb up the bird...

- Flowers On Friday
This is the flowerbed Daddy made for us around the bird feeder. It is a raised bed now. Much nicer then the one Mommy made. Mommy planted Four O'clocks, Cypress Vine and Dill in there. Daddy is going to rock up the flower bed and make it pretty. ...

- Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden Update
This is a flowering maple. Mommy likes the pretty yellow color. Here is an old~fashioned gladiola. Mommy needs to move it to the bulb bed this fall. Mommy & Daddy were going to do it this spring, but the warm weather got here too fast for them. ...

