Fenris Friday

Fenris Friday

The weather warmed back up so we are enjoying some sunshine and fresh air.

Tui and I have to check out all the new smells.

I thinks something was in my backyard when I was inside.

But at least some of my rainwater is left.

I loves rainwater. I don't know why Mommy doesn't like me drinking it.

I also likes the porch Daddy built for me.

The porch is MINE the hotwire is Tuiren's I thinks I got the best of that deal.

Fenris, reporting for ATCAD
Pet Parade Blog Hop

- Ffht "that Was The First Time I Ever . . ."
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- Tuiren Tuesday
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- Mancat Monday
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- Tuiren Tuesday
I likes my porch. Daddy had it built just for me. I mean I know he started working on the slab and everything before I came to live here, but I am sure that it got a roof just because I live here now. Don't you thinks this is correct? It provides...

- Mancat Monday
 I am enjoying the fresh rainwater in the bowl that Daddy so thoughtfully built into the Hummingbird Cottage. Mommy thinks the fact water collects here is an accident but I knows better. Daddy intended to make ME a water bowl. The forsythia is looking...

