Tuiren Tuesday

Tuiren Tuesday

Whenever me and Fenris see anything interesting we run to the fence and observe it.

We watch carefully to see if we needs to alert Mommy by barking. This is a very important decision. You mustn't bark too often are you annoy the people, but you wants to warn them of danger. Most of the time barking is NOT required.

After we determine there is no need to bark we come back and sit on the porch where it is comfortable.

We were eating when we saw the..................oh yeah I am not suppose to tell you what we saw. Fenris wants to tell you Friday and I agreed to let him.

I am trying to decide if I wants to eat the rest of my supper. It's only dogfood, nothing special.

I prefers it when Mommy gives us table scrapes or at least CANNED dogfood. I do not likes the dry stuff that much.

Running around checking things out is very thirsty work.

I am being brave and drinking out of our water bowl. Mommy just filled it up and I don't like the way it gurgles at you when you drinks.

But I do likes the fact that it holds lots of water. I gets really thirsty helping Fenris guard everything. ~Tuiren, reporting for ATCAD

Fenris Friday ~ What me and Tuiren Saw

- Fenris Friday
I likes my water bowl but Mommy doesn't. Algae grows in it constantly, and Mommy says it is hard to clean. So we thoughts we would ask you for water bowl recommendations. I share a nice ceramic one in the house with the cats and Tuiren, but we don't...

- Fenris Friday ~ Cat Sitting Staring Fenris & Socks
I has a very impawtant job. I has to make sure Socks stays inside the fence, I am suppose to make sure Tuiren stays inside the fence too, but I am more successful with Socks. Socks listens better then Tuiren when I barks get down..  Socks is sneaky...

- Mancat Monday
When Mommy takes me outside I hides from her. Behind the septic system is a good hiding place. Daddy built this nice cedar planter to cover the pump up. The Jungle Gym isn't really a good hiding spot but I likes to sit up here because I can see far...

- Tuiren Tuesday
I have been a very bad doggie. I dug under the fence and went AWOL, Mommy was very annoyed with me. I don't understand it as soon as I tracked down the scent I was following I came right back so why am I a BAD DOG? And Fenny is a traitor, I love my...

- Fenris Friday
 Remember last week I told you about the neat prizes Scylla won from Zee & Zoey, well this is another one of the prizes, and Scylla graciously shared this prize with ME!!!!!  It is a designer ceramic water fountain from Thirsty Cat Fountains,...

