Fenris Friday

Fenris Friday

We won this terrific prize from Dakota's Den.  They has Pet Cakes by Lucky Paws for Dogs and Cats. These are the ones for cats.

You has a tray in the shape of fish to bake (microwave) them in. We were going to show you Mom's cooking but...........first she couldn't find Socks, and then Scylla was yelling and well Socks ate them before Mommy remembered the picture. OK us doggies helped eat them. Anyway Mommy has promised us some more so, maybe we will get a picture next time. Mom reports they were very easy to make and us DOGS loved them. Socks woofed his down like a dog, but er Scylla who is finicky didn't eat hers. In case you are wondering why us dogs were eating the ones for cats, well they smelled good and we wanted one and Scylla wouldn't eat hers and having looked at the ingredients Mom said there wasn't any reason a doggie couldn't eat them, so we did. Mommy had planned to get a  picture of them fresh out of the microwave (which she forgot), she should have taken a picture of Socks eating his and Scylla sniffing hers but ...................well Scylla was complaining loudly that she wanted her canned catfood NOW and STARVING and other meows that we won't translate cause they are not nice (see Scylla is weird she doesn't like TUNA, Charybdis didn't like Salmon. Mommy gets confused about it sometimes and Socks loves both. Anyway Mommy will add Salmon next time instead of Tuna). And us doggies were looking at our bowls and dancing around to remind Mommy that fur babies other then Scylla need food too. And Mommy can't take pictures of us dogs eating treats anymore cause Who will try to steal them and cause a fight if Mommy doesn't referee. The pup has no respect for his elders and no manners either.

For some reason Mommy finds it necessary to take pictures of the Coral Bean all the time. It is blooming now.
It's kinda purrty.

The Foxgloves are doing really well this year.

OK, I am going to play now. I am tired of reporting.

Fenris Wolf reporting for Alasandra, The Cats & Dogs

- Mancat Monday
Scylla, Do you see the dogs? Nope, no dogs on my side of the table. Scylla are you sure you don't see any dogs on your side of the table? They seem to be missing!!!!!!! OK, I am just going to mosey over here and drink out of the doggies water bowl. ...

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- From Across The Pond By Artemisia
A package arrived for us from across the pond! Being a silly kitty I thought Mommy meant from across our pond but she said no she was referring to this thing called an Ocean and that our friend GJ and his Mum live in a place called the United...

- Product Review ~ Cat Quest
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- Momo's Birthday/gotcha Day
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