MoMo's Birthday/Gotcha Day

MoMo's Birthday/Gotcha Day

My beloved MoMo is celebrating her birthday/gotcha day today (September 9th) and I wanted to do something special for her, so with a lot of help from the Zoolatry Girls I am throwing her a party. For those of you wondering why we are posting this on the 8th, MoMo is from Australia and she is a day ahead of us so we will be celebrating today and all day tomorrow. Personally I thinks MoMo is so special every day should be her birthday/gotcha day, but a two day celebration seemed like a good compromise.

Inside we have the presents, just in case it rains. Under the oak tree in the Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden we have cake, ice-cream, salmon, tuna, shrimp,eggs and assorted cheeses. There are various drinks for everyone to enjoy and plenty of milk for the little ones. Fresh nip can be found in the greenhouse.

Please feel free to take romantic strolls in the garden, chase squirrels in the woods, play THoE and do zoomies to your hearts content. For those of us needing naps there are plenty of beds in the house for us cats & small dogs to choose from and Fenris recommends the jungle gym, picnic table (if you can find one without food on it) and his dog house for the large dogs. MoMo has party favors for you on her blog so please go by and pick one up if you haven't already. ~Socks

Update: Boy can the doggies put away the ham. They are having a great time playing chase right now. Ferris and Fenris seem to have unlimited energy and we guess they need the exercise after all the food they put away. Khyra, Thunder and Phantom  are really fast too. I am snoopervising the doggie games from the roof of the jungle gym. But I think I am going to help myself to some of the sushi Asta brought, while I wait for Brian to get here. ~Scylla

We are all having so much fun. The beans are headed to bed. Something about Daddy having to get up early for work and youngest boy bean having school but us cats are going to be partying in the greenhouse. Mommy has made sure we will have plenty of snacks, and of course there is an unlimited supply of fresh nip. We can hunt lizards to our hearts content. There are tons of them in there. Doggies are welcome to join us too or if you prefer you can hang out with Fenris in his yard. He likes to patrol at night and I am sure he would welcome the help. Cliff I am saving some fresh nip for you, hope you & Olivia get here soon. ~Charybdis

Sassy brought this lovely cake with her. Boy can Sassy make good cakes not only are they delicious to eat but they are pretty to look at. Thanks for bringing the cake Sassy. Now who wants cake for breakfast. ~Socks.

Asta helped me patrol last night then we had  nice big slices of cake for breakfast. Scylla & Brian are in the Butterfly Garden along with Socks & MoMo. Charybdis is waiting for Cliff to get here, while she waits she is helping me & Mommy grill steaks, shrimp & chicken. We has lots of other stuff too so just let us know what you want for lunch. ~Fenris

Opus and Ollie have a great idea. Let's Dance!!!!! Brian will you dance with me? ~Scylla

We are having a great time! With all the dancing we have worked up a huge appetite so it's a good thing Mommy has supper ready. We set the buffet up down at the pond under the oak tree. By now everyone knows the way if you don't just ask Fenris. He is big enough you are sure to see him even in this crowd. Thanks so much for coming. ~Socks

Zoe, Indy, Georgia and Everett arrived in time to enjoy some goodies and settle down for a nice long snooze with those who were too tired to teleport home. Socks & MoMo are enjoying some quality cuddle time, so we will all quietly tiptoe away and leave them to their dreams  ........................~Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris

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