Fenris Friday

Fenris Friday

 Woof, Woof, glad you could drop by for a visit.

 We has lavendar, pink, purplish-pink and white Foxgloves. The Mom just loves them.

 We saw a Hummingbird enjoying the Trumpet Honeysuckle. The Mom wasn't fast enough to get a picture.

 This rose smells so good.

 The Gaura, we loves the way the blooms dance around.

 The Grancy Graybeard and the Azalea look pawsome together.

 Blackberries growing wild. Yummy!!!!

 Daddy is playing ball with me. I am a pawsome catcher and can snatch the ball right out of the air. You guessed it the Mom is too slow with the camera to get a shot.
 Bringing it back to Daddy.

 Mommy spotted this goose while she was weeding.

 Closeup of the Grancy Graybeard.
We just love it's delicate white blooms, it is a pity they don't last longer. ~Fenris

- Thursday In The Garden
 Fall brings an explosion of color to Mississippi Gardens. This Hummingbird is enjoying the Pineapple Sage.  Mommy was standing right by the Hummingbird when she took the picture. She said it was nice being able to take a shot from above the...

- Fenris Friday
 Mommy is too busy weeding to play ball with ME!  At least she took me for a walk so I could look at the flowers up close. This is our Clematis. It is a hot pink when it first opens then fades to a lighter pink.  The Gold Flame Honeysuckle,...

- Fenris Friday
 I am enjoying the sunshines. We have been having some very nice weather.  Mommy is playing ball with me. We wishes we had someone else to take the picture so Mommy could get a shot of me leaping up into the air to catch the ball. Mommy says...

- Thursday In The Garden
 We thought we would start the garden tour down at the Butterfly Garden. He is the Grancy Graybeard, with it's pretty white blooms.  The Vitex, we are looking forward to seeing it bloom.  Pink Verbena. The bees like it.  The Chinese...

- Working Wednesday By Artemisia
 I  is sitting by the Sweet Shrub, if it ever blooms it is suppose to smell good. Something has been eating it's leaves. I told Mommy to spray it, I hope she followed my instructions.  Our Gaura looks gorgeous, it lived all winter,...

