Fenris Friday

Fenris Friday

 When Mommy takes me walking on the beach we sees this bird.

 Walking is very hot and thirsty work. They has water fountains for us to stop at and Mommy has ice water for me in the car. It is very important to drinks plenty of water when it is hot out.

 Sometimes we walks under the bridge. Mommy's friend is trying to trick me, I don't thinks she has any dog treats. We are training her for when she gets her own dog. I thinks I has her about trained.

Mommy's friend knows sit and stay, so I thinks we can start walking again now. Mommy are you finished taking pictures? we are ready to resume walking. ~Fenris

 Everyone thank you for the birthday wishes. Mommy forgot about it, she went looked on her calendar and there it is plain as day Socks' 11th Birthday. We has lots to celebrate today as not only is it my birthday but Daddy is coming home today from New Jersey. The boy beans are also getting ready to go off to college, the youngest will be moving into his dorm room tomorrow. Eldest has already moved his stuff back into his dorm room.  Their collage is close enough that they can come home on weekends, so I won't miss them too much. Anyway we are going to take things easy today and just enjoy being with each other. Mommy said she will give me a party later. ~Socks

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