Fenris Friday

Fenris Friday

I thoughts I would show you my baby pictures. These were taken February 2009 when I first came to live with Mommy & Daddy. Besides being a lot smaller my fur was also a lot darker. I went from being dark chocolate brown, black and white to a dark reddish brown, black and white to a light reddish brown, cream & white with a few black markings. My fur tends to be darker in the winter and get lighter in the summer.  Mommy says I am still 100% cute. The Vet guessed I was born December 15, 2008, so I would be between six and eight weeks old in these pictures.

The lady at the animal shelter guessed I was a Great Pyrenees, and I certainly behave like a flock guardian, but I am much smaller then a Great Pyrenees, I only weigh 68#. The Vet guessed Australian Shepherd (because of my blue eyes and my coat). And you know what in spite of it's name the Australian Shepherd originated in the Pyrenees mountains just like the Great Pyrenees. I was found in a box at Stennis Space Center with some more puppies,  so nothing about my parentage is known. I am a 100% Mutt.

I spend a lot of time laying on the picnic table or the jungle gym when I am outside surveying my Kingdom. If I see something that needs my attention I go speeding off to check it out. I don't bark much, but when I do it is very LOUD. And I never DROOL. Inside I pretty much just lay around. I do like to explore but I am very careful about looking at Mommy's knickknacks and I don't hurt them. I am nice to the cats. I would like to play with them and I do ask them to play (play bows, wagging my tail, you know the usual way to say hi I am a friend want to play) but since they don't seem interested in playing with me I mainly just lay down and watch them. They are pretty entertaining. I don't eat much and I eat very delicately. I likes it when Mommy feeds me by hand. I eat one piece of kibble at a time. I am very independent and I like to figure things out. I have a great nose and can follow scent trails and Daddy says my hearing must be exceptional cause I always know when something is outside that shouldn't be. Noise doesn't bother me and I like to watch the fireworks. When the weather is nice me and Mommy sit on the picnic table and watch the firework displays our neighbors set off for New Year's Eve and the 4th of July. And I am very LOVING with my humans.  Mommy says I am the perfect dog.  

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