Things on Tuesday

Things on Tuesday

One of Mommy's friends thinks I am an Anatolian Shepherd Dog.  The description does fit me better then the Great Pyrenees description. I have a black mask, black ears and my coat is turning fawn colored. Funnily enough my blue eyes which everyone loves would be a fault. We thinks that is very silly. IF DNA test didn't cost so much I guesses it would be fun to know what I am but I likes Mommy's  label best. She said I am a 100% Alasandra's Mutt. I thinks this means she belongs to me.

When the beans built the greenhouse they didn't think about hot weather, they were just concerned with keeping the plants from getting cold. Well since the greenhouse is in my yard when HOT weather came Daddy had to make some doors to keep me OUT and let the breeze in. 
This is Mommy's Lemon Tree. It is getting really tall. This is the tree Mommy saw the snakeapillar (Daddy's name for it) on. We will show you pictures of snakeapillar soon.
I think these flowers are pretty. I can see them from the door.
Charybdis is waiting in the house for Mommy she wants some lap time.

- Thursday In The Garden
 All these plants are outside now, it would be way to hot in the Greenhouse for them but they overwintered in the Greenhouse nicely. We thoughts we would tell you how they did and how we cared for them.  The Ruby Leaf got really tall and straggly,...

- Thursday In The Garden
 I am so glad you could join me in our garden.  Are you ready for the tour. Please pay attention and don't chase the butterflies, bees or lizards. Ahem, now we can begin.  We will start up at the house with the Azaleas for some reason...

- Thursday In The Garden With Socks
Our report for the Society of Feline Gardeners. Do go by Jonesie's to see what everybuddy else has going on. I thinks it was Alfie & Milo who suggested photographing fall leaves. We don't have many fall leaves here most of our trees are evergreens...

- Fenris Friday
I thoughts I would show you my baby pictures. These were taken February 2009 when I first came to live with Mommy & Daddy. Besides being a lot smaller my fur was also a lot darker. I went from being dark chocolate brown, black and white to a dark...

- Scylla Sunday
I thinks most of you know that me &  Charybdis lost our Cat Mom when we were 4 weeks old. Luckily for us Mommy & Daddy agreed to foster us cause we were so little we needed constant care and to be bottle feed. Charybdis had a heart condition....

