Fenris Week 3 ~Eukanuba 28-Day Challenge with Arty Mouse

Fenris Week 3 ~Eukanuba 28-Day Challenge with Arty Mouse

 I have been telling Arty Mouse how good the Eukanuba dog food is. She is the only one of the cats that hasn't eaten it. Mommy says the cats shouldn't eat my dog food because it isn't formulated for cats. Eukanuba makes a cat food that would be good for them, so maybe one day they can try it.  She hasn't figured out how to stop Socks and Scylla from eating my dog food though. She picks it up when I am outside and puts it on top of the refrigerator, I has to remind her to get it down for me when I come in, but those sneaky cats eat it with me in the same room as them. I scared Socks good the other day. See I was sleeping and he was eating my food, well he makes so much racket when he eats he woke me up and I walked up REAL QUIET and touched his butt. You should have seen him flying out of the dining room. Pity there isn't a picture especially the part where he turned around and GLARED at Mommy cause she was laughing so hard at him. 
 Arty says I wasn't very nice, she scolded me good. I is very sorry I was bad Arty Mouse. Please offer my apologies to Socks, but would you ask him to stop eating my food.

 This is what the dog food looks like. It is smaller then my normal kibble and much easier for the cats to eat. It annoys me a little bit, see I likes to get a piece of kibble in my mouth walk over to my rug and lay down and chew on it for awhile, then get up and get another one. These are so small it isn't worth the bother carrying them over to my rug so I just has to stand there and eats them. I tried carrying a mouthful over to my rug to eat at my leisure but that just made a mess and annoyed the Mom.

 For some strange reason Mommy thinks I should stand at my bowl and eat anyway.

Well that's all I has to say, I am going to let Mommy answer some questions while I eats. ~Fenris

Third Week
Today is our Grandma Hazel's Birthday.

Happy Birthday Grandma!

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