Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

Mexican Petunias in bloom they likes it when we get a lot of rain. They like wet feet.

Ginger Lilies, they smell divine.

The Rosemary is thriving, don't know if you can tell but it has little blue blooms on it.

And what you have been waiting for ME, I am sitting in the Butterfly Chair with Mommy there is plenty of room for us both.

I hears something.

Now I am going to try to sneak up on it.

Carefully stalking my prey.

Disappearing into the woods to investigate. See you later..............................................

Daddy's shop. It has Xs on the doors except for the middle one which has a t on it.

I thinks I may go up to the house to see if there is any food to snack on.

We mentioned how Scylla like to eat Fenris' food and someone asked why Mommy doesn't just put the amount Fenris eats at one time out. Well that would be ONE piece of kibble. See normally what he does is picks one piece of kibble out of his bowl carries it over to the rug and lays down and nibbles on it for awhile. His dog Mommy must have told him to chew his food 100 times or something. Thirty or so minutes latter he will mosey back over to his bowl and get another piece of kibble. The only time his routine varies is if me (yeah I eat the dog food too) or Scylla go over to his bowl. In which case he will stand up and bark at us, walk over to his bowl and start gobbling it up so we can't eat it.

Dogs shouldn't eat cat food cause we need more calories then dogs do so they would get fat. Cats shouldn't eat dog food because it doesn't have Taurine in it, which we need to live. But we likes to steal each others food around here. We never get more then a nibble before Mommy takes it away and makes us eat our own food.   ~Socks

- Mancat Monday
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