FFHT "It would be really embarrassing if everyone knew . . ."

FFHT "It would be really embarrassing if everyone knew . . ."

It would be really embarrassing if everyone knew . . .that Tuiren, Scylla and Socks beat me up.

See when I was a little puppy Socks whacked me on the nose with his paw, so now all he has to do is raise his paw and I takes off. Scylla, well Scylla is psycho everyone is afraid of her and well Tuiren, that bitch girl bites you if you annoy her. She has pulled my hair out so many times, it's not even funny. Daddy says I am a wuss. I say I am a gentleman who refuses to attack siblings who are smaller than me. ~Fenris, taking part in FFHT for ATCAD

- Ffht "that Was The First Time I Ever . . ."
Well it's FFHT time and Fenris said I should share my story too. Some of you don't know how I came to live here, it was rather unconventional. I just showed up. When Mommy said this was my home "that was the first time I ever" felt loved. See...

- Fenris Friday ~ What Me And Tuiren Saw
Tuiren says you want to know what we saw............................ We saw this intruder. He/she kinda looks like Socks from a distance but it isn't Socks. Mommy says the cat is very silly, it's not afraid of me and Tuiren, it is friends with...

- Tuiren Tuesday
I wonder what the Veterinarian is doing with the hair she stole from me and Fenris. They stole hair from my legs and his head. This is very weird if you ask me. At least they didn't send me home with a lamp shade on my head. Thank Dog for small mercies....

- Mancat Monday
 Can you believe my Mean Mommy gave me a bath, it isn't enough she sticks PILLS down my throat now she thinks I need to be dumped in a BATH TUB to get clean.  I do NOT APPROVE!!!!!  I do like the way she fixed my water bowl. Mommy finally...

- Socks Tells All
Oh me and Scylla have been friends again for ages. That is why Mommy thought it was so weird that I was whapping her anytime she got near me. I NEVER do that. And I only did it for a day or two and then I stopped. Mommy says Scylla definitely DID SOMETHING...

