Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

 Can you believe my Mean Mommy gave me a bath, it isn't enough she sticks PILLS down my throat now she thinks I need to be dumped in a BATH TUB to get clean.

 I do NOT APPROVE!!!!!

 I do like the way she fixed my water bowl. Mommy finally figured out how to use the attachment, so we can drinks water out of the pipe.  I likes this a lot.

I also likes playing with my Cyclone Toy and OK I has to admit I do feels better after my bath now that I am all dry, but boy did it take a lot of work drying all that fur. I is exhausted.

Scylla is still driving the Mom and Dad nuts. She wakes up at 2AM wanting to play. I don't want to play with her because she plays really rough. She tried to play with Tuiren, but Tui is afraid of her. And while Fenris would LOVE to play with Scylla, Scylla is afraid of him. Tuiren didn't live here when Arty did, so I don't know how they would get along, but the rest of us sure do miss Arty. She played with all of us Me, Fenris & Scylla. We all miss our playmate. Tuiren will not play with Fenris either as she is slightly afraid of him and he plays rough. Both Tuiren and Fenris played with Mr. Who, but he moved out with Eldest Boy Bean, so Fenny wants a playmate too. And the Mom says we have a FULL HOUSE. Thanks everybody for coming to play with Scylla virtually, we know she had a good time playing with all of you.

~Socks, reporting for ATCAD

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- Scylla Sunday
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- Tsarina Tuesday
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