Floating Teeth....Mine And The Horses

Floating Teeth....Mine And The Horses

Foggy evenings followed by freezing cold nights
make for beautiful mornings...

I awoke yesterday morning to find everything covered in ice crystals...

a gentle reminder that we are still in the midst of winter...
with even colder weather on its way.

Twice a day our dogs line up in the kitchen for "Vit-i-yums"!
Maddie gets her medications and her glucosamine,
and Oakley gets his glucosamine.
They each get a portion of a hard boiled egg and a little peanut butter.

It's a treat they look forward to every day...twice.
We give our large dogs glucosamine to help with potential
(or actual) joint problems.  This supplement can make all the difference in the world
for arthritic dogs.

Yesterday, as I emptied the last bit from the dog's peanut butter container,
I was reminded of our old Norfolk Terrier, Hickory
(who passed away a year ago).

She used to love to lick out the last little bit of peanut butter from the jar.

And on this particular day, she ended up like this....

A sweet memory of a sweet old gal.
I will never again see an empty peanut butter jar without thinking of Hickory!

This trip down memory lane was brought to you due to the fact that I spent
the day in the city yesterday.... catching up on doctors, dentists, grocery shopping, 
and meetings.

After the dentist, I took a "selfie"
 so that you could see how ridiculous my smile was....
courtesy of local anesthesia.

I was numb from the tip of my nose down to my bottom lip.
Did you know that when your nose is numb, you cannot feel it run?

I should have lots to share with you tomorrow...
for today we float teeth!
The horses', that is!

- Tuiren Woofs "xylitol In Peanut Butter Might Kill Your Dogs?"
We had no idea that PEANUT BUTTER COULD BE FATAL TO US! Me and Fenris were bummed to discover that not all human peanut butter is safe for us doggies to eat. Xylitol is used as a sugar substitute in human foods, including peanut butter. To dogs, Xylitol...

- Sunny Day Fun
After several days of grey gloominess and wintery temperatures,the sun peeked through the clouds yesterday and temperatures rose to above 60 degrees. The chickens were in heaven and found a "spa" in which to spend their day... dry ground for dust baths...

- Health Care Crisis
These past several weeks we have been having a sort of health care crisishere at the farm. You know it's a crisis when the dogs take more medications than the humans! But, such is life with aging canines. With the adoption of our 15 year old...

- Hickory The Pooh And Landscaping Too!
Here is my favorite grandson,my one and only,the apple of my eye...Tyler...(sitting in my kitchen scale...he is not that precocious, there is a magic hand behind his back.)with a front row seat for the re-enactment of "Winnie the Pooh...

- A Treat For The Birds
Look at how attentive Sadie and Maddie are as Jack spreads peanut butter over his home-made bird feeder. He took a pine log, bore holes into it, screwed an eye-hook in the top and filled each hole with peanut butter. This creation will hang in the midst...

