Flowers on Friday

Flowers on Friday

I am pretending to be a flower. This is a good strategy for catching birds and other things that like flowers.

Several people have commented about how much watering Mommy must have to do. Well lately she hasn't had to do any as it has rained every day (boo, hiss). Mommy also uses a special potting soil it's called "moisture control" potting soil and it's suppose to help with over-watering plants and lock moisture away until plants need it. It seems to be working so far.

I likes the red and yellow flowers together. Don't they look cheerful?

The bee is enjoying our buttercup.

Our dill died and these funny purple bugs were on it.

This is as far as we are suppose to go in the front yard. Let's head to the side yard.

These are the Four O'Clocks. We bets you think we took this picture in the daytime? Ha, Ha we tricked you. Mommy discovered the night setting on her camera. Maybe she won't lose it again and she'll get some good pictures after dark.

This is the cypress vine. It still isn't climbing the bird feeder like we wanted.

This is a Hosta. I likes the purple color.

We have been getting a lot of rain and everything is very wet. The yard is squishy so we are spending a lot of time indoors. ~Scylla

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- Flowers On Friday
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- Flowers On Friday
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