Flowers on Friday

Flowers on Friday

This is the flowerbed Daddy made for us around the bird feeder. It is a raised bed now. Much nicer then the one Mommy made. Mommy planted Four O'clocks, Cypress Vine and Dill in there. Daddy is going to rock up the flower bed and make it pretty.

This is a close up of the Dill. Doesn't it look pretty. And now we have a question for all you gardening kitties. After this picture was taken we had some bad weather and the Dill got broken off. As you can tell the stalks were very tall and slender, so's we had to cut it back. Our question is will it come back? We have our paws crossed that it will.

- Thursday In The Garden With Artemisia
I gets to show you around today.You should always take time to stop and smell the flowers. The Swamp Iris we wants to get some Blue Flags to go with them. Some weeds Mommy hasn't pulled up yet, they are kinda pretty, maybe she will leave them. The...

- Thursday In The Garden
The herb bed. It has lots more stuff in it now. But when Mommy first started it, it just had the fennel which survived the winter and the cilantro she transplanted from the tomato bed. We jumped for joy when we saw the dill was also coming back from last...

- Flowers On Friday
I am pretending to be a flower. This is a good strategy for catching birds and other things that like flowers. Several people have commented about how much watering Mommy must have to do. Well lately she hasn't had to do any as it has rained every...

- Flowers On Friday
This is the front flowerbed, it is a riot of pink Angel Trumpets, red Cuphea (KYOO-fee-uh) and yellow Buttercups. Doesn't the Angel Trumpet look huge in this picture? Our Cypress Vine, we are kinda disappointed we hoped it would climb up the bird...

- Flowers On Friday
The Dill in the greenhouse is doing good. We like the tiny yellow flowers it has. It is an herb that Mommy can use in her Dill Sauce for the Salmon Loaf. If it ever stops raining we are going to try to plant some in the Butterfly Garden. The Oregano...

