Flowers on Friday

Flowers on Friday

Hi everybody, do you want to come on a walk with me?

Ok, lets go............................................

This is where we saw a rabbit the other day. Mommy of course didn't have her camera. We ran all the way back to the house and collected the camera and hurried back but the rabbit was gone.

This is a big teacup and Mommy is awful silly to put flowers in there. It was made for me to drink out of don't you think? I mean she can't really expect me to drink out of those tiny teacups she uses.

The Stokes Aster looks lovely. We loves the purple shade it is.

Now awhile back JFF was advertising for a chef, but then they decided to keep Jan. Well I am advertising for a dog walker. I need one who isn't afraid of snakes. See lately when we go walking we see snakes. Mommy goes eek and back to the house we go. On our last walk we saw a black snake, Mommy actually did try to take a picture of it as it is nonpoisonous but the camera battery was deaded. Anyway the snake was in our path so our walk was cut short. So I am advertising for someone who isn't afraid of snakes and will pick them up and move them when they are in our path.

Some of you know that I am going to Dog Obedience School on Tuesday nights. It is lots of fun and there are lots of other puppies there for me to play with. Because I pull on my leash when I am out in public they put a pinch collar on me. It does not hurt me and it does help Mommy control me better. We thinks once I get used to being around lots of other people and doggies I will not have to use it.

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- Flowers On Friday
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