Flowers on Friday

Flowers on Friday

The Dill in the greenhouse is doing good. We like the tiny yellow flowers it has. It is an herb that Mommy can use in her Dill Sauce for the Salmon Loaf. If it ever stops raining we are going to try to plant some in the Butterfly Garden. The Oregano we have planted there is doing good, it stayed green all winter.

The Camellia is getting ready to bloom. This picture was taken February 9th. The Camellia bloomed on Valentines. We will show you a picture of it's pretty red blooms soon.

~Scylla (the gardening cat) & Fenris (the assistant)

- Thursday In The Garden
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- Wordless Wednesday
We were asked to identify these plants so we decided to meow about them. The plant with the white flowers is Oregano (we are sure about that). The one with the yellow flowers is dill (we are sure about that one too) Now we are to the tricky one. Because...

- Sunday Sharing
These are the wildflowers Daddy is cultivating we made Mommy look their name up so we could share it with you. They are called Bird's Foot Violet, Pansy Violet, Hens & Roosters. We likes the Pansy Violet name the best and Mommy thinks they look...

- Flowers On Friday
This is the flowerbed Daddy made for us around the bird feeder. It is a raised bed now. Much nicer then the one Mommy made. Mommy planted Four O'clocks, Cypress Vine and Dill in there. Daddy is going to rock up the flower bed and make it pretty. ...

- Flowers On Friday ~wildflowers & Camellias
This is some purple clover. Daddy saw it growing by the side of the road and he liked it so much he is trying to raise some. (Picture A) This is a pretty purple violet. (Picture B) And this is the same flower with Mommy playing with the setting...

