Flowers on Friday

Flowers on Friday

The Confederate Rose starts off as a very pale pink and gets darker as the day goes on. This one is up at the house.
This one is down at the butterfly garden and you can see the Candle Bush in the background.

The flowers in our hanging basket are very colorful.

This is a close up of them.
~Scylla & Charybdis

- Thursday In The Garden
This hanging basket is looking really pretty. The white roses are putting on a show for us. The Clematis are blooming up a storm, that is a blue pansy next to them. The pale pink roses aren't they purrty? The Shasta Daisy. Nice picture of the entire...

- Mancat Monday
Scylla and are are enjoying the Hummingbird Cottage now that the sun is out. It has some of the best rain water ever. The roses are blooming, I thinks these are called Seven Sisters. They has different shades of pink blooms on them. The Gold Flame Honeysuckle....

- Fenris Friday
 Mommy is too busy weeding to play ball with ME!  At least she took me for a walk so I could look at the flowers up close. This is our Clematis. It is a hot pink when it first opens then fades to a lighter pink.  The Gold Flame Honeysuckle,...

- Society Of Feline Gardeners ~ The Cats
We loves our Confederate Roses. This one starts off white and turns pink as the day goes on. The Candle Bush is another pretty flower that blooms is the fall. We thinks it looks particularly pretty with the purple Mexican Petunias. Fall is a good...

- Scylla & The Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden
The Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden was created in memory of our brother cat Whiskers (me & Charybdis never meet him, but Socks said he was a wonderful cat, Mommy still misses him a lot). Even though it is November we still have flowers blooming....

