For Oscar

For Oscar

Oscar who blogged @ Got Kibble has gone to the rainbow bridge. We offer these flowers as a tribute to his memory. ~Artemisia, Fenris, Socks, Scylla & Alasandra

- Rip Pip
Pip has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. We will miss him very much. We treasure the time we had with him and are honored that we had the chance to be part of his bucket tour. If anyone would like to use the graphic we made feel free to do so. ~Socks, Scylla,...

- Ripley
Ripley from the Windypundit has gone to The Rainbow Bridge, his person has written a very touching tribute here. Ripley was one of the first cat bloggers we meet, way back when Socks, Scylla & Charybdis first started cat blogging. We are sure Ripley's...

- Until We Meet Again Sweet Keiko
We are sads today. One of our friends Keiko had to go to the rainbow bridge and leave her many friends and family behind. Words cannot express the sorrow we feel at losing our friend or express the sympathy we feel for her family.  We will be thinking...

- From Across The Pond By Artemisia
A package arrived for us from across the pond! Being a silly kitty I thought Mommy meant from across our pond but she said no she was referring to this thing called an Ocean and that our friend GJ and his Mum live in a place called the United...

- Remembering Our Friends
We were very sad to read that Lacy Lulu didn't make it, you can read her family's moving tribute Last Picture, Thanks, and Tributes!! on her blog. We are going to plant a Gardenia for her in the Whiskers' Memorial Butterfly Garden. We were...

