For The Love.....

For The Love.....

"Oh, for the love of Dog!"
Did I spell that wrong?

This post is about dogs.
And stuff....gross stuff.
Which seems to go hand in hand with dogs.
If you have any, you know exactly what I mean.

Although I might paint a romantic picture of what farm life is all about,
don't be fooled.

As I write this post, my barn coat is in the washer,
because I just figured out that the large brown stain on the right sleeve was...
 barncat poop.
(If you have a cat, you will agree with me that nothing smells worse than cat poop!)


Back to the dogs.....

Every night when we go to bed, the dogs go to bed, too.
They each have their own doggie bed.
Sadie and Maddie, our big, exceptionally hairy, cold weather dogs
prefer to sleep in the garage where it is cool.

This is good, too, because Maddie has unpredictable anal glands that leak from time to time....
without warning.
I could write a post on just this subject alone!
Let's not go there, ok?

Hickory, our senior citizen sleeps in a bed in the laundry room...

it's warm there and a tile floor makes the occasional night time "accident"
(senile incontinence) easy to clean up.

Sam and Oakley sleep in their own beds on the floor at the foot of our bed.

They are our back up alarm clock...
always rousing us before the sun comes up.

Last night, for some reason, Oakley would not sleep in his bed
and instead slept on the floor beside Hubbs' side of the bed.
Sam, in his bed, kept making little growling noises all night.

(We figured he was dreaming.)
That is until morning, when we found the reason he was growling.
What is that lying on the floor in front of his bed???

Yes, that's it...a featherless, decapitated bird of some sort.
( might want to skip the next picture!)

Grosser than gross.
He was protecting a treasure that he had snuck into the house before bed last night.

Needless to say, we absconded with that and washed the carpet.

Later in the morning.....

He had found something else, equally disgusting.

I love my dogs; truly, I do.
But I have to admit....
I sometimes ask my self...
"whatever was I thinking??"

If I have grossed you out today, I apologize.
But I thought you needed to know the truth...
the whole truth and nothing but the truth!
PS....I love my dogs!

Pigs get a bad wrap.
Dogs are way grosser than pigs!

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