Spring Has Sprung!

Spring Has Sprung!

After yesterday's sad tale,
I think you deserve a happier post today.

Pete is doing well.
Becky has been laboriously working on his "owwwie".
I sewed him another new sling... with modifications.
He is eating hay non-stop.
A little time outside to graze was followed by a much needed nap.

His progress will be baby steps, but so-far-so-good as he heads in the right direction.
Thanks for all your thoughts and well-wishes!!

The weather here has taken a major leap right into spring.

With temperatures in the 70's I have begun to work on the garden.
Sugar peas are in the ground, as well as spinach, kale, radishes and onions.

I put a coat of paint on a cucumber trellis that I built this winter and set it in place.

Let me tell you...
I am loving this weather!
Not to mention being surrounded by an unlimited amount of cuteness!

The baby goats are spending quite a bit of time outside playing.

All that play requires frequent naps, too!

Sammy has decided that his favorite friends are the donkeys.
He is fascinated by them,
and has learned that if he holds perfectly still, they won't chase him away.

I captured this moment yesterday morning and thought you might get a chuckle...

Yep, folks, we're big on hygiene around here!

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