Friends & Feathers on Friday by Scylla, Charybdis & Sockie~Pooh

Friends & Feathers on Friday by Scylla, Charybdis & Sockie~Pooh

This is a Swallow-Tailed Kite. It was almost directly over Mommy's head when she took this picture. Like sensible cats we were hiding under Daddy's shop. It's a very BIG bird guys and could possibly gobble us up. We saw it swoop down and get a baby mocking bird one day. This is one scary bird, so for goodness sakes if you see it's shadow get under something so it can't get you.

There are two of them. They were very high up when Mommy took this picture. If they were normal size birds you wouldn't even see them they are so high up.

This is the bird Mommy went outside to take a picture of. It is a Great Egret. It let us get very close to it. Mommy was surprised about that.

Happy Birthday Jackson!

Today is Jackson's birthday, he had surgery Tuesday so be sure to stop by and let him know you are purring for his speedy recovery and wish him a Happy Birthday.

- Socks' 13th Birthday
Thanks for coming to my 13th Birthday Bash everyone. I hopes you enjoy yourselves, I am having a marvelous time with all my friends. We has lots of foods for you to eat. Various cheeses, there is sure to be one to please. A very nice selection of seafoods....

- Wildlife Wednesday
Hummers are very fast so sometimes it is hard to capture them. Mommy just got a wing in this picture. If you look carefully you can see it. This is better Mommy managed to capture the entire bird. Well she got the bird but it is blurry. Much better picture....

- Fenris Friday
 When Mommy takes me walking on the beach we sees this bird.  Walking is very hot and thirsty work. They has water fountains for us to stop at and Mommy has ice water for me in the car. It is very important to drinks plenty of water when it...

- Birds We Saw Friday

- Happy Birthday Pixie
Today is Pixie's birthday. So drop by Daisy the Curly Cat and wish Pixie a happy 12th birthday. Happy Birthday Pixie! Hope you have a Purr-fect day! From your friends in Mississippi Scylla, Charybdis, Sockie~Pooh & Our Mommy ...

