From the Blog World

From the Blog World

Alasandra's top picks from the CoH.

Moral Courage and the Flawed Human Being , I really enjoyed this post. Here is some food for thought from the post.

According to Dr. Kidder, there are five universal core moral principles. They are:

I got some wonderful ideas for my butterfly garden from the post My Backyard Wildlife Habitat - A Slideshow.

Dana asked a thought provoking question in her post Principled Discovery: Is our goal really to "bankrupt the American educational establishment?"

There are more terrific post just waiting for you to discover them in this weeks CoH.

- No Rules, Hopefully No Controversy Just A Chance To Recognize The Homeschool Blogs That Mean Something To Us
Ragamuffin Studies is Participating in the Homeschool Blog Awards--with Some Trepidation . I haven't decided if I'll participate are not. There are a lot of wonderful homeschool blogs that I would like to recognize, unfortunately I don't think...

- Spring 2007 Alasandra Blog Awards
One of the things I love about blog awards, is discovering new blogs, so I have decided to create my own blog awards, comprised of blogs I subscribe to or check often, these are not necessarily homeschooling blogs. Winners may place the Alasandra Butterfly...

- Things To Ponder
Would You Let Them Scan Your Child? One family said NO, but their child was still scanned. Still, a substitute teacher's mistake proved just how vulnerable children who opt out can be. "They rounded up all the kids in our son's class and they...

- Book Reviews
Our Endangered Values - America's Moral Crisisby Jimmy Carter I enjoyed his common sense approach to evolution, abortion, homosexuality and a host of other social issues. Carter's humility and his love for mankind show through in the pages of...

- Sustainability
Sustainability. It's a buzz word. You hear it in relation to agriculture, and energy and industry.It's the mantra of the new"green" culture. Sustainability. The dictionary defines it thusly: the capacity to endure. Simply....doing what we need...

