From the Brunsma Interview, April 4, 2007

From the Brunsma Interview, April 4, 2007

What would you regard as an appropriate opt-out clause, if a District were to decide to implement such a policy?

There are lots of reasons why a parent might want to opt out: philosophical, religious practice, religious belief, reasons related to cost. On that last point, there is no evidence that uniforms save money. Also, there may be constitutionally protected reasons, especially with high school students, where the issue has been less explored. An appropriate opt-out clause would understand the nature of citizenship in the US as a rights-based democracy and the particularity of given families – the realities of their lives. An opt-out clause should respect all these elements, especially with a policy that hasn’t been proven to do anything.

Read the complete interview here.

He also states how bogus the so called 'surveys' are and how the numbers are manipulated to show more parents are in favor of uniforms then actually are.

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