Fun & Feathers Friday

Fun & Feathers Friday

Charybdis is in the box, she is trying to get whatever is making the scratching sound. I thinks it is Daddy making the noise. I will get his hand if I can.
I thinks Charybdis looks very silly in the box
I am very fast, I almost got my Daddy
I thinks it might be fun to get Charybdis instead.
When Mommy went outside to feed Fenris she saw this bird down at the pond. We thinks it is an Egret.

- Birds
Hummingbirds are our favourite bird. Two hummingbirds hang out in the backyard with Fenris. They are very silly they fight over the bird-feeder. Mommy says they have gone South for the winter. We thoughts we lived in The South. PhotoHunt Socks...

- Alasandra's Purrfurmance Review
Quantity of Output ~ High, we has a post most every day so we guesses we can't complain. Quality of Output ~ we are divided here. Socks & Scylla give Mommy a Medium. We thinks there are way to many pictures of Fenris on our blog, but...

- Product Review ~ Cat Quest
Us cats are very excited we were asked to do a product review. A  box came in the mail for us and you all know how much we loves boxes, but this box was the best yet cause it had a toy inside of it. The toy is called a Cat Quest. The company that...

- Scylla On Sunday
The view from the top of the entertainment center is pawsome. And doggies can't get up here. Charybdis is silly she runs from Fenris, being more intelligent I just stay up high where he can't get me and observe him. He is fun to watch. But this...

- Cat Gossip
We are homeschooled. Charybdis has the daily planner out. Planners are very important, they tell you what you are suppose to be doing. Mommy puts Christmas everywhere, even the dining room and kitchen, Scylla is making sure the dishes are clean before...

