Garden Fly-By

Garden Fly-By

This past weekend, our host at the lake house gave me a flash drive
with some video footage that he shot with the drone on the morning of the wedding.
I will be sifting through this over the coming days and showing you some
aerial views of our farm.

The first of these videos is a fly-by of our garden on the morning of the wedding.
I must's the best it has ever looked...
and probably ever will look!

Here's another bit of footage shot that morning just as a rain shower moved in.
You will see a little mist on the camera lens as the drone flies.
This video shows the areas surrounding the garden on the morning of the wedding.

If you ever wondered what the world looks like from a bird's perspective,
there you have it!
I am awestruck by the beauty that surrounds me each and every day.
I love my life... from down here and from up there as well!


Yesterday I was asked how much weight Red could pull in a cart.
I have read that mini horses can pull 2 to 3 times their body weight.
The mechanics of the harness and cart are such that Red will push against the soft, cushiony strap
that goes across his chest...pulling, but in essence pushing the cart along.
He weighs somewhere between 200 to 250 lbs, so he should easily be able to pull
400 to 500 pounds or more once he is in shape.
I don't imagine he will ever have to pull much more than his body weight, however.
The cart is such that only one adult and a couple of small children will fit comfortably.
Just right for Grammie, Tyler, and Mackenzie!!!

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