The Signs That Summer Intends To Move Onward

The Signs That Summer Intends To Move Onward

It is so hard to believe, but summer is beginning to wind down.
It seems like yesterday we were getting ready for a wedding...
a wedding that happened already 2 months ago.

Can you believe it?
Boy, I can't.

All signs point to the approach of autumn.
The days are shortening.
And although right now it is hot and humid,
the nights are cooling down like they do in autumn.

Last week I saw a flock of blackbirds flying overhead...
it was at least a mile long...
thousands and thousands of birds.

Summer farm work is slowing down a bit, as well...
giving me time to do extra things.

cleaning henhouses (yesterday's extra chore).

The dogs and I took one last trip to the woods for blackberry picking.

The picking was very slim....
another sign that summer is winding down.

Our picking was interrupted by a sudden summer storm that sent us all scrambling for home...
and soaked us in the process.

Later in the day, after the rain,

I brought Red out of the dry lot, cleaned him up,

measured him for his driving harness,

and took him for a walk.
We worked on basics like "walk" and "whoa",
and crossing puddles.
Some horses find puddles to be very scary....
and Red seems to be one of these horses.

Even scary things can be conquered when treats are given!
My autumn project will be working with Red with the eventual goal of having him 
drive this cart.

What fun we are going to have!
What fun I will have driving Tyler and Mackenzie all around the farm!

And while I am on the subject...
guess who is one week old?

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