Garden Views

Garden Views

I am so happy I could just dance!

"Why?"  you ask.

Because gardening in my raised boxes is such a joy....

and the boxes are growing like gangbusters!
This box is loaded with sugar peas and a couple of cabbages in the front.

The sugar peas are just beginning to ripen.

Green beans, of various ages....

Celery, carrots and a couple of sweet potato plants....

Pepper plants (with a couple of marigolds for insect control)....

Lots and lots of broccoli....

Onions and more cabbage.....

Culinary herbs.....

Ready to harvest...

These are just a few of the garden boxes.
There are still others, in which are planted...
and watermelon.

Each and every box is relatively weed-free....
with a minimum of effort!

I am one happy gardener this year.

Future plans?

Why yes, I need to add one more large box 
that is only half as high as the rest.

In this I plan to plant the "Three Sisters" next summer.

The Three Sisters are a Native Indian lesson in environmental
cooperation where corn is planted with beans and squash.
The squash shades the ground, preventing weeds.
The green beans replace the nutrients that the corn
removes from the soil.
And the corn provides a climbing support for the beans.

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