Gifted Children & Homeschooling

Gifted Children & Homeschooling has a nice piece about homeschooling gifted children. They also point out that due to the way different states label homeschoolers there is no way to determine how many children are being homeschooled.
How many students today are being homeschooled? No one knows for sure how many homeschoolers are in the United States. Estimates range from 800,000 (the U.S. Department of Education) to more than 2 million (independent researchers). It’s difficult to calculate an exact number because each state has its own definition of a homeschooler. In some states, such as Kansas and Texas, homeschools are considered private schools so homeschoolers in those states are lumped in with private school students. Is the number growing?Yes. The number seems to be growing the fastest among gifted students, students with disabilities and African-American students.

- Tag
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- From The Blogosphere
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