Alasandra addresses the eight homeschooling concerns educators had and offers eight public school concerns she has

Alasandra addresses the eight homeschooling concerns educators had and offers eight public school concerns she has

The post Educators Criticize Homeschooling list eight homeschooling concerns. This is my reply to them.

1. Deprive the child of important social experiences.
I assure you homeschooled children aren't deprived of social experiences. Some homeschool groups even have their own proms.

2. Isolate the student from other social/ethnic groups.
I'll repeat myself yet again as it seems educators that criticize homeschooling are incredibly slow learners. Homeschoolers are a very diverse bunch. Homeschoolers come from all social/ethnic groups.

3. Deny students the full range of curriculum experiences and materials.
Homeschoolers are free to pursue their interest. Parents are free to pick the best curriculum for their students. Homeschooled students often use honors or advanced placement textbooks not available to all students in the public schools. See Why Homeschooling Works ~ No or Little Bureaucracy .

4. Provide education by non-certified and unqualified persons.
A teacher's certificate does not automatically make one a good teacher. See Why Homeschool's post on teacher certification. Also many of the "teachers" in the public schools are also non-certified and unqualified.

5. Create an additional burden on school administrators whose duties include the enforcement of compulsory school attendance laws.
This is complete and utter bs. The solution of course would be to emulate states like MS. All I am required to do is turn in a certificate of enrollment stating I will be homeschooling to the school attendance officer in my school district. This is the same procedure private school students follow. No additional burden is placed on school administrators.

6. Not permit effective assessment of academic standards of quality.
Homeschoolers are free to take the ACT & SAT just like public school students do. Numerous studies have been done that show that homeschoolers often score higher on the ACT & SAT then their public school counterparts do. Homeschoolers are also free to take any other test their parents deem necessary at their parents expense.
2006 ACT High School Profile Report Check out this National Data! 9,117 homeschoolers average composite score was 22.4. [1,206,455 students took the test in all, averaging 21.1.] [0.76% homeschoolers] Emailed to me from Jim Sconing, Director, Statistical Research Department, Research, 319/337-1709 (From A-Z Home's Cool)

7. Violate health and safety standards.
What Nonsense??????

8. Not provide accurate diagnosis and planning for meeting the needs of children of special talents, learning difficulties and other conditions requiring atypical educational programs.

And the public schools do??????

In the interest of fair play Alasandra ASKS PARENTS TO CONSIDER THAT PUBLIC SCHOOLS MIGHT:

  1. Deprive the student of important family time.
  2. Introduce the student to bullies and drug dealers.
  3. Deprive the student of the best education available to him/her.
  4. Your child might be taught by a verbally, physically or sexually abusive teacher. Your child also might be taught by one of the many "teachers" in the public schools who are non-certified and unqualified.
  5. Misspend tax money.
  6. Your child will be taught to the test. Test taking is all important, actual learning will take a back seat.
  7. Force children to have pelvic exams without their parents consent.
  8. Not provide recess and enrichment programs. Also your child may not be allowed to go to the bathroom when they need to.

Some good advice was offered.

Barber suggests that parents who are considering homeschooling their middle and upper school teens, contact local colleges regarding admissions policies for homeschooled students. In addition to placement testing in reading, writing and math, some colleges require a minimum score on a GED test. The entry requirements for your child's college of choice should be researched long before a homeschooled child's junior year.

But it's a tad misleading, if your child scores high enough on the ACT (28)/SAT they will not have to take the GED. But you do need to research what subjects are required. Most want a foreign language in addition to English, Math & Science requirements. Most colleges will take a transcript certified by the parent if your child was homeschooled. Make your child's transcript as easy to read and understand as possible. The admissions officer at my eldest son's college stated that she wished all the public school transcripts looked as professional and as well laid out as mine did (what a boost to a homeschool Mom's ego).

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