

Like most mornings, I headed out yesterday before the sun was up.
Driving to the barn, the dogs dodging in and out of my headlights...
I was ready to take on another day.

It was quite foggy as I reached the barn.

My arrival signaled "grazing time" for the horses and donkeys,

and they were eager to get on about their business.

I turned on the lights in the barn workshop in order to feed the cats and was greeted by this:

Well, it looks as if my barn kitties are earning their keep!
(By the way, this one was about 8 inches long, without his tail!)

I have never actually seen a live rat on the farm, but I know we have plenty.
Just about once a month I find one of these treasures laid out like a prize...
a gift from one of my hunters...or... perhaps I should call it "rent".

We feed our barn kitties well.
There is always dry food available, and twice daily they get a little canned food as well.

This way they have lots of energy for hunting,
and then lots of energy for playing with their catch.

They never eat what they catch, but I suspect that they play it "to death".
Sad, but better than the alternative.
And the idea of being over-run with rodents appeals even less than finding these "gifts."

With the cooler temps and the fog, I thought it might be a good time to work
on weeding the vegetable garden...
hoping the gnats might be gone.

Not so...they are still out in full force with the single goal of making gardening as miserable
as they can possibly make it.
I did fill several trugs full of weeds ... take that, gnats!

My prize was this pan of fresh veggies...

finally I am getting tomatoes from our garden!

Somewhere during the day I got the bright idea that I could make my own wooden
buttons for my knitted items.
And so, out came the power tools and varnish, and voila!
They are each about 1 ½ inches across and cut from an oak branch.

I think I will be using these for my next knitted neck warmer.

Remember that bell I found at the antique store a couple of weeks ago?
Well, when I found it it was pink and white (really!)...
now it looks like this....

I can hardly wait to hang it.
It's so big and loud, I'll bet you can hear it from miles away.

I also harvested handfuls of herbs to make a Tuscan rub for roasted chicken.

Into the food chopper went rosemary, oregano, thyme, Kosher salt, pepper,
dried hot peppers, lemon zest, and garlic.

Then I rubbed this on the outer skin of a whole chicken (with backbone removed)...
and into the oven it went.

Yum....local chicken with homegrown herbs....roasted over top of assorted root veggies.
it's what's for dinner!

Hope your day is fog and gnat free!
Happy October 1st!

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