

Dinner in the goat yard always brings with it a flurry of activity.

The goats run around as if they haven't had a meal in weeks.

Ole Roy and all his hens as well as our two turkey boys, Tom and Chuck,
  appear as soon as the goat feed bin is opened.

I think they are hoping to get some Ritz crackers.
Yes, chickens and turkeys love Ritz as well as the goats!

Here is little "Dot".  She is the last of this Spring's kids...
and she is staying on the farm.

As you can see, she is quite friendly and enjoys being hand fed her dinner...

then up on the lap she climbs for a little cuddle.

Mealtime was interrupted as Sissy hollered at Sam and Oakley,
telling them to stop fighting and behave themselves.

She has no tolerance for any commotion in the barnyard.

After the critters had their dinner,
it was time to think about our own dinner.
These days dinner is harvested about an hour before dinnertime...
with fresh veggies plentiful right now.

We have a freezer full of local beef, local pork, and local chicken.
To that I add fresh fruits and veggies from the garden.
Right now we have chard, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, sugar peas,
asparagus, and cucumbers to choose from...

as well as homegrown strawberries and blueberries.

Plentiful rain mixed with bright sunny days has made the garden grow at an amazing rate.
The squash box is overflowing.

The tomatoes grow about 3-4 inches almost daily.
I've had to keep on top of tying their branches to the stakes on a daily basis.

And the corn is getting noticeably taller each day.
I am afraid I made a mistake in planting our corn this year...
planting the popcorn right next to it.
Supposedly, the corn will cross pollinate causing our popcorn to be less "poppable"!

Ahhhh..... the learning curve of gardening.....
Someday I hope to be on the upper end of the learning curve!

Before ending, I wanted to share a couple more pictures from this past weekend.
Sammy, our adventurous farm dog...
checking out the view from the hay bales...

and catching a ride back home from the barn with me...

Sammy is our adventurous one...always ready for the next fun thing!

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