Ginger Running

Ginger Running

We have been quite fortunate since that freak snowstorm that hit us the first week of November.
Since then temperatures have reached 55-60 just about every day!
It seems that this year Old Man Winter teased us once and went into hiding.

He can just stay hidden...
at least until Christmas.

The warmer weather makes morning chores so much easier.
Greeting the sunrise at the barn...

Letting the chickens out to free range,
and cleaning their coops...

Hay for the horses...
I wish I could share with you how peaceful this time of day is.
(Except for the fact that this is "deer season"....
so my peace is interrupted by the sound of gunfire.)
(With each blast I pray for the deer...praying that it escaped harm.)

The cats get very impatient...
waiting for their breakfast...
following me everywhere lest I forget it.
Don't worry, TomTom...
you are next on my list.

Feeding cats is Hickory's favorite activity of the day.
This 16 year-old partially blind gal rides along to the barn each morning,
just so she can lick the cat food can.
Then she makes the quarter mile hike back to the house for a nap,
while I finish the rest of the chores.

Sophia has become much more visible around the barn.
Occasionally a scuffle breaks out between her and Ella,
but for the most part they avoid each other,
and peaceful co-existence prevails.
(You might notice she has a scratch on her nose from the last "cat fight.")

I have come to the conclusion that the pigs live to eat.
They start squealing and grunting as soon as the hear the gator pull up to the barn.
As I open their stall door with hands full of feed,
they rush into the aisle making a barking sound.
Then they follow me back into their stall and set about consuming their breakfast.

For some reason, this little hen has taken to sitting on an empty nest in the barn.
Each day I pick her up, carry her back to the henhouse,
and close up the barn.
Hours later, there she is again...
stubbornly defending her nest and squawking a warning call when I come near.j
She's the toughest broody hen I have ever had to deal with.
The funny thing is....
there are no eggs in her nest....she hasn't laid any for days.

I have been keeping the dogs close to me since hunting season has started.
Ollie doesn't mind at all....
it just gives him more opportunity to pester the horses.

Oakley and Leo share a little lovin...

The Christmas season is a favorite amongst the goats.
They love the tree trimmings that they get for snacks.
When the trees come down on New Year's Day,
they get tossed into the goat pens...
a delectable feast for days following.

I have been trying to capture a video of the pigs running to share with you.
Each day when I take them out to graze,
they kick up their heels and run around the pen with abandon.
Yesterday I finally captured Ginger on the run....

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