Sundays are Fun Days!!

Sundays are Fun Days!!

Yesterday morning we awoke to a light dusting of snow....
we had had some flurries Saturday evening.

It looks as if this will have to suffice for our White Christmas...
as there is no more snow on the horizon.

Since our Christmas preparations are complete,
we had the opportunity to just kick back and slow down this weekend.

After our traditional Sunday Farm Breakfast,
Hubbs and I headed out with the dogs for a hike through the woods.

Through the woodpile and out into the back woods behind our house
we set out with Sadie, Maddie, Sam and Oakley.

Behind our house is "the Holler" as we like to call it...
a beautiful patch of woods that the dogs love to roam.

The house is on the highest point of our property, so the land behind it drops down significantly.

From down in "The Holler" we could hear Bobby our barn kitty calling to us from the back deck.
My reply of "Here Kitty...." brought him running down into the woods to see us.

We hiked through to the other side of the woods and exited near the goat pens.
Feeding time always brings the boys out of their houses....

On the way back to the barn, we stopped to walk the pigs back to the barn.
Of course I couldn't resist an opportunity to film our little piggie gals for you!

                                  I hope you enjoyed another Sunday afternoon here on the farm with us!

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