Goatie Treats

Goatie Treats

Who would have guessed that the pine trees that were felled by last week's ice storm would turn into goatie treats? Amazingly, our goaties love munching the tender pine needles!

Even better than a tasty treat, though, is a chin scratching!

This is our friendliest goat of all.....Spider. Spider was born with contractures in all of his leg muscles...that is, his legs were all stuck in a bent position....unable to stand or walk. Thanks to the great care of Doctor Becky, he is now a proud, athletic goat and one of our favorites! And to think at one point we feared losing him.

- Pine Treats
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- Timber!
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- The Ultimate Recycling Project
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- The Best Goats In The World
If you visit our farm, this is the type of reception you can expect....just sheer joy in your presence. Our Nigerian Dwarf goats are the friendliest goats I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. As soon as they see you, they jump up at the fence demanding...

