Pine Treats

Pine Treats

Autumn sunrises are the best of the year!

Yesterday's fiery sun arose, but offered no heat to our world.
It's cold now... feeling rather wintry.
I am thankful for a barn filled with hay,
as this hay will help to keep our critters warm in the coming months.

Everyone always knows when it's feeding time.
They become a little impatient and quite vocal!

Our wood chipping project is nearing completion.
There is now a fresh layer of pine wood chips covering the horses' dry lot.
The fresh aroma of Christmas trees is a treat while I am out there cleaning up manure!

There is no better treat for the goats than the tree tops.
They love pine needles and will quickly strip these branches bare...
eating every last needle and the bark as well.

They utilize the branches as scratching posts as well...

- Timber!
It's the end of summer and now we have the hot, sticky weather.And although heat and humidity are not my favorites,I am reassured by the fact that this can't last for long... not at this time of year! Yesterday was a crazy busy day on the farm.People...

- Picnic, Anyone?
Yesterday was day one of a new building project here on the farm.We are building a picnic pavilion in the woods. There is a small area of woods next to our vegetable garden that has had a lot of fallen trees in the past few years.  Wind damage...

- Winter Survival The Sustainable Way
Sustainability is something we strive for here on the farm.We want to leave this land a little better than we found it...that is, we want to keep our footprint as small and as lightweight as possible. As a way of achieving that goal, we try not to waste...

- This And That
I thought I would share a sweet moment from yesterday morning.I arrived at the barn about 45 minutes before the sun rose...such a peaceful time. I know, you are going to remind me that Thursdays are my day off.Unfortunately, my favorite "barn" hand, Jim,...

- Goatie Treats
Who would have guessed that the pine trees that were felled by last week's ice storm would turn into goatie treats? Amazingly, our goaties love munching the tender pine needles! Even better than a tasty treat, though, is a chin scratching! This is...

