Goats Galore

Goats Galore

 Mommy went to visit Grandma & Grandpa, she got some pretty good pictures considering she didn't get off their deck. This is two of Grandma's cats. The one that kinda looks like Grumpy Cat is Arty Mouses' litter mate.

 Grandpa has lots of kids this time of year.

 The solid red one was very friendly.

 The tags in their ear are their id.

 They likes to eat the grass.

 This kid is being pestered by mosquitoes.

When the kids get sleepy they lay down and take a nap.

 This kid posed for Mommy when he noticed her taking pictures.

 Mommy thought this one was as cute as could be.

 This is where our yellow swamp irises came from. Mommy wants some blue ones.

 Grandma's Sweet Shrub is blooming, for some reason ours never blooms.

 Mommy was disappointed the cats wouldn't come to her.

 They only have these three now.

 Mommy said this goat looked like he was smiling for the camera.

And this fellow was a little bashful. Mommy didn't get any pictures of Mutt this visit he was with the other Billy Goat and the goats that didn't have babies.  ~Fenris reporting for ATCAD

- Friends On Friday
Mommy went to visit the Goats while she was at Grandma & Grandpa's. This goat had lots to tell Mommy. She wanted to eat Mommy's shirt. Mommy got some good pictures of the cats. Charybdis' look alike (C2) is a little more friendly to...

- Family Friday
Mommy and the Boy Beans went to see Grandma & Grandpa for Easter. Mommy took these pictures at our house while she was waiting for Eldest to get here, so they could leave. She was very happy to see these little pink flowers came back. They are annuals...

- Mutt & His Goats
 Mommy ran off and left us Thanksgiving, she went to see some GOATS  Grandma & Grandpa. While she was there she took pictures of the goats for Grandpa.  Mutt lives with the Goats and guards them from DANGER.  Mutt considers Mommy...

- Not Fenris Friday
Mommy deserted us and went to visit the Grandparents. This butterfly was over at the barn. Mommy said it was getting minerals out of the soil. Grandpa has lots of Boer Goats, he even has a blog about them. Mommy helped him do a post on Stonewall's...

- Mancat Monday
Not sure what this is, it grows at Grandma & Grandpa's house where I used to live when I was a little kitten. It has pretty blooms It has been raining a lot here so I am taking things easy inside. Getting plenty of napping in. Best thing to do...

