Mutt & His Goats

Mutt & His Goats

 Mommy ran off and left us Thanksgiving, she went to see some GOATS  Grandma & Grandpa. While she was there she took pictures of the goats for Grandpa.

 Mutt lives with the Goats and guards them from DANGER.

 Mutt considers Mommy DANGEROUS, he is trying to convince the goats to RUN.

 Unfortunately for Mutt the Goats consider Mommy to be a nice lady that feeds them sometimes so they come to her.

 She even got to pet one, but they were more interested in eating than spending time with Mommy.

 Grandpa loves his Boer Goats.

 Mutt doesn't like Mommy at all, but he does pose nicely for pictures.

We hopes you enjoyed the Goats. ~ATCAD

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