Good News and Bad News

Good News and Bad News

The bad news first:

Thank you, dear friends,
for all of your heartfelt thoughts
 with regards to the loss of my camera.

(I know it might sound ridiculous,
but I am lost without my little camera.)

I re-hiked the woods retracing my steps as best I could
and was unable to find my poor lost camera.

This camera was a Samsung point and shoot,
that has video capabilities,
and shoots the nicest pictures.

I will be replacing that camera today.
I have to take a trip to town, for an appointment.
Costco will be a stop on that trip.

On a lighter note,
I wanted to share with you what I found in
the turkey house yesterday morning.
(I took this picture with the big camera...
not one I carry around with me)

Yes, siree, I found two freshly laid turkey eggs!
Our first ever.
What am I going to do with them?
Well, I believe I will try frying them up for breakfast!

I just love the variety of eggs that we are harvesting
these days....all sizes, shapes and colors.

- Mancat Monday
 I am preparing to go out into the wilds with my camera and take photographs.  Really Mom, do you have any idea how heavy this camera is? I got some good pictures which you can view here. Stupid Mommy didn't realize the battery in the camera...

- A Walk On The Wild Side....week 5
We have an overnight guest for the better part of a week.Sam, Andy and Ashley's lab (rescue) is staying with uswhile Andy and Ashley are away. It was a little tense at first...with male dogs getting a little territorial,but by the first evening things...

- A Walk Onthe Wild Side
Week One The trail cameras have been up for only two days now.Hubbs and I took the dogs for an early morning walk into the 100 acre woodsto fetch the SD card from each camera. With excitement and anticipation, we hiked the half mile through light rain to...

- So So Sad
I am sad.Despondent, actually. During a walk through the woods yesterday. Ilostmy camera. Yes, my friend,my pictures,memories from this weekend,are lying cold,alone,scared,in the woods. Sad. So, wish me luck,I am spending the morningretracing...

- Baby Picture
New camera = great picture!!! And I liked my last camera (til it died)...But this one, oh my....I'm in love.But not as in love as I am with these two littlemunchkins!Teeny tiny balls of soft, furry sweetness...Ok, so tell me...the quality of...

